Saturday, December 8, 2012

Got a sec?

Check out my other blog "Sic Vita Est" (also known as Merlin's Bicicletta) by clicking on the link.
(Polaroid shot by me in Beijing, China, circa 2007.)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Update (because it's been a while)

I've come and gone, come and gone, and come and gone again.
2011/12 has been a whirl-wind, no doubt. After leaving New Mexico in July of 2011 I moved in with my life partner in Portland only to take a job in AK for the fall/winter. From NM to OR to AK, just like that *. Then, without warning, I was back in Portland living a disorganized, albeit liberating hand-to-mouth existence. And waiting. For what, I wasn't sure.
But in May (2012), it became clear. I was waiting to come home again, for the first time. I've never been so in love.